Helping Others=Helping Ourselves



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uniheart HK


Helping Others = Helping Ourselves
助人 = 助己


Health living,body、mind and spirit

藉著提升公眾人士對學習及認知障礙的認識,讓患者及早得到妥善的照顧和支援,及建立和諧共融的社會。並透過各項支援服務紓緩患者及照顧者的身心壓力,凝聚照顧者,讓彼此坦誠分享喜與悲、互相鼓勵、支持和幫助下,成為更正面和積極的照顧者。而義工在幫助有需要的人之餘,也可學懂關愛、付出 、分享 、體諒及團結精神,明白幸福不是必然;而與此同時受惠者也能學懂感恩,欣賞別人,延續義工的愛及無私,以助人助己的精神回饋社會。從而建立一個身、心、靈正向的社會。

By raising public awareness of learning and cognitive impairments, clients can be properly cared for and supported early, and a harmonious and inclusive society can be established. Through various support services, we can alleviate the physical and mental stress of clients and caregivers, unite caregivers, and let each other honestly share joy and sorrow, encourage each other, support and help, and become more positive and active caregivers. While volunteers can help those in need, they can also learn how to care, share, understand and unite. And understand not everyone has happiness. At the same time, those who are beneficiaries can learn to appreciate others and may also become volunteers. They also learn to love and selflessness, giving back to the society in a spirit of helping others. Thereby establishing a society in which the body, mind and spirit are positive.


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